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Review of Online Mediums Angela and Celeste

Online psychics—to trust or not to trust?

Online psychics—to trust or not to trust?

Enter Angela, Angel Medium

I found Angela, Angel Medium—a new entry in the online psychic-reader scene—when an online shaman in 2017 ended a six-year fake psychic enterprise and tossed my account (for investigating online mediums) to "Angela," angelic medium and angel-card reader.

Angela is described on her homepage and in emails as a "medium of the angels for more than 40 years and angelic tarot expert." She presents guardian angels as guides, buddies, and wish-fulfilling genies eager to reveal your future. This should make you uneasy. The Bible and Qur'an describe angels as God's servants who bring God's messages directly to people, one-on-one, with no medium necessary.

Angel cards were first published in 1996, during an angel fad started by the U.S. TV programTouched by an Angel.The program ended in 2003 and the angel fad faded. It is unlikely that "Angela" has been professionally channeling angels and reading angel cards for more than 40 years. It is far more likely that "Angela's" business is exploiting those who fear Tarot cards and think angel cards are a safe and sinless alternative.

Angela Medium Review

I sent Angela my information and she emailed a short orison (or prayer). She also told me the name of my guardian angel, which is Umabel.

"Don't be afraid of mispronouncing his name, he will recognize himself," she assured me.

After a four-day ritual, I was advised to say "Umabel" three times, and repeat this process whenever I needed good luck.

Getting down to business, Angela soon asked $69 in exchange for an angel Tarot reading. I don't know any card reader who charges that much, with the exceptions of Padre—a proven fake online angel medium—who asks $103 for his psychic services and the frantically advertised "Celeste" of My-Angel-Reading who charges $79.99.

Angela's ludicrous "spiritual store" sells an angelic melody for $19 and an e-book about angelic salt magic for $9. Celeste's e-book sells for a stunning $29.

In other words: not "legit." These are not real readings. They are entertainment only, and expensive entertainment at that. Check their homepages' Terms of Service—they state that the "readings" are for entertainment and Angela and Celeste are fictional.

Angela, Angel Medium's Spiritual Store page.

Angela, Angel Medium's Spiritual Store page.

"Celeste" Medium Review

Angel medium "Celeste" claims to be a "half angel and half Earth being," chosen before birth as the "Princess of Light" and able to read the lips of Beings of Light as they whisper. Craziness aside, longstanding angel lore says angels have no gender and do not reproduce. And no human being has angelic ancestry.

Celeste can claim this because there is no "Celeste," nor "Angela," nor "Padre." Their website photographs are of models, and their "readings" computerized. Tupak, Angela and Padre are owned by a corporation based in Hong Kong. It processes your payments in Gibraltar, 6800 miles from Hong Kong. This isn't good news for any client who wants customer service or a refund.

These highly profitable Internet businesses run psychic websites making ludicrous claims and charging high fees for computerized "readings" that are all alike except for names slotted in. Their websites' Terms of Service legally must admit that the readings are "entertainment only" and the characters on their sites are not real. They hope you don't read their Terms of Service.

Do Angels Communicate Through Dot-Com Websites?

A clue that online psychics are fake is that they have only one name. This makes them difficult to trace. Angela and Celeste have names cutely related to their supposed realm of services. "Padre"'s name and image, especially the beard, recall the popular modern Italian saint "Padre Pio," who died in 1968.

"Angela" says that after suffering an injury she suddenly acquired the power to speak with angels. We can't know if that's true, but we do know that real psychics and mediums never have to advertise. Genuine psychics have more clients than they can handle through word-of-mouth.

A guardian angel is not a therapist, personal psychic, ATM, or on call for predictions or miracles. In Jewish Kabbalistic writings, where the 72 angel names such as "Umabel" or "Ariel" come from, each angel can perform only one type of service. In Islamic tradition, angels assign your fate at conception but they aren’t obliged to tell you about it.

I hope you are now too informed to believe that your personal guardian angel will meet you and send you godly goodies only through a dot-com website.

Sylvia Sky does not select or endorse the ads appearing on her pages.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

© 2016 Sylvia Sky


Lindsay Paul Smarton June 22, 2020:

Hi, I recently tried one of these people. Luckily never gave her money. Calls herself, Agatha sky - angel. Kept hounding me for money.

Sylvia Sky (author)from USA on December 09, 2019:

What a wonderfully clever way to try to deny you a refund.

Sungokuon November 20, 2019:


"Your message was of great honesty and I can only thank you for that.

However, I am afraid that the decision you made was taken out of desperation. I know that sometimes is very hard to wait for the big change to manifest in your life, but believe me, the constellations are moving in your favor.

I think that instead of giving up, it is time to get more involve. We always need to keep an open mind to subtle changes in the interpretation of those signs. But above all we need the confidence on the success of our goals. Confidence is the original source of those successes, without it nothing can be achieved.

I know that you have that confidence in you, that is why I contacted you in the first place. And I also know you are committed to achieve the goals you aim.

So please take a moment to think about those goals and on how much you really wish to achieve them.

What is really important in your life?

Remove the cloud of doubt and dare to see clearly and in full color. All you can see is achievable and that’s where you should focus your energy. Make that effort and you will never look back again.

Warm Regards,


And after that i didn't get a mail from her.

Mary mae jarceon November 22, 2018:

How to get my money back i paid $69 USD i already sent her an email to be refunded, no reply yet

Serialmom12on October 06, 2018:

Angela is a fraud. I sent her money for an amulet about 4 months ago. She took my money and never sent me anything. I’ve emailed her requesting my money to be refunded at least 20x and of course no one responds.

Total RIPOFF!!!

Savka Jotanovicon September 21, 2018:

我已经请求赛特5号和付费阅读ber. Haven’t received anything yet despite a promise from Angela that the reading will be ready within couple of days. It’s past almost 3 weeks and I tried to contact angela number of times and still nothing. I am requestin a full refund. This is the PayPal transaction No:

Paypal Australia


Wendy Bevanfrom Bargoed on March 16, 2018:

Any information appreciated. Does anyone know if kadinsky and partners Ltd, Hong Kong. Are legitimate. Also anyone know MEDIUM ANGELA, AND CHRISTIN, WHO WORK FOR KADINSKY, HAS ANYONE HAD bad results from, medium Angela, Christin medium, Padre,. I would appreciate any information. Thanks

Wendy Bevanfrom Bargoed on March 16, 2018:

I do have been scammed by medium Angela. I'm still waiting for my money back. There's also christin. I left comments on thier Facebook page posts, saying I wanted my money back, people replied to my comments on Angela and christin, Facebook page posts, from all round the world, they also have paid money and nothing came true, people have been thanking me for saving them from paying Angela and christin money. Unfortunately MEDIUM ANGELA, AND CHRISTIN MEDIUM has blocked me from thier Facebook page and messenger, so I can't warn people. They both work for the same company in . Hong Kong.. Does anyone have some solid information, to contact to try and stop these online fake psychics. We need to protect the vulnerable people, who are paying for these fake psychics. Please any information ℹ would appreciate.

Angela Mediumon April 10, 2017:

I have recently complete story with Angela medium site , i received E-mail

1- "Your spiritual guide is an extremely benevolent being of light. His presence still fills me up"

2- "Yes, of course! What has just happened is indeed amazing: I was standing before the "Rock of miracles", when bright light came down from the sky. This light had come for youAnd you should rejoice with all of your heart: Because you have been waiting for this kind of happiness for a long time.

3- Your Guardian Angel contacted me once again yesterday evening. I wrote down what he said.

4-Yes, the friend who cares about you so much came to visit me once again this morning. He came from Heaven in a halo of light, and he told me about the secret and the bright future that stands before you.

and son on for many days , every time asked to do payment starts with 69 $ and dcrease to 9 $ to full readin report. I have already paid "out of curiosity"and wait a full report, really I received it with optimistic fortunate and luck , expecttaion with rainfall of money in the 3 weeks for more than 20000 $ but someone/something is blocking your destiny and I can unblocking by using my connection to your guardina angels, but not before paid 297 $ ...etc. after reading some reviews , I found that this ite is fake and steal money from good peole are looking foe any one support them in their hard and difficulties time of life. Please to all peole take from Angela medium it is fake

Pleet396on January 11, 2017:

我的订阅我认为所有这些supposed MEDIUMS, and Clairvoyant,and NUMEROLOGY, etc.

Chris Clairvoyant's real name is CHRIS PERSO, and he scammed me the best. I think that I spent almost $3,000 on this FAKE.

I did end up getting about $800 of my Money back from Chris Clairvoyant's Website, because I threatened to SUE HIM FOR EVERYTHING HE'S GOT !!!

George Tupak, Maria, Esmeralda, Diane,TARA and be careful with TARA MEDIUM because she's SMART, and then there was PADRE GUARDIAN ANGEL MESSENGER. I hope nobody is ignorant enough to believe in PADRE GUARDIAN ANGEL MESSENGER. To me, it was a given that he was a SCAM ARTIST.

I only want people to know that SYLVIA SKI is correct, when she says that NO ONLINE PSYCHICS ARE REAL. If they're real Psychics, why do they need all of your Personnal Information??

Please don't fall PREY to these FAKE WEBSITES, LIKE MYSELF.

I would like to know about a REAL PSYCHIC, but I'm Permanently Disabled, and wouldn't be able to afford a REAL PSYCHIC anyways. According to what Sylvia Ski says.


